About This Site

I am Mark Nash, the President and Founder of God’s Holistic Temple.

As for this site… The goal is simply to share some background about the church and how it was started and the vision. Just read the About Us page for more details of my ramblings.

Welcome and I pray you find something on this site that inspires you on your spiritual journey.

Peace unto you.

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God’s Holistic Temple, Inc.

Attn: Mark Nash, President
8814 Sunforest Ln

Pearland, Texas 77584

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GHT Life Strategies

Welcome to GHT’s Life Strategy Ideas!

Life is filled with many challenges. Life would not be any fun if we did not have these challenges. That’s the good news. Here’s the bad news. Life can be very frustrating and even disappointing at times. In order to face the latter, we call on every resource possible. Think of these techniques as an extension of those resources. Think of this site as your online friend. I wish you well in your journey. May your future bring you much success from these techniques. Welcome to the world of problem solving and goal setting!!!

Before we begin, I must make this point. Although financial energy is not directly a part of our mind, body, or spirit; it is important to include because of its heavy influence in our lives. The energies discussed could make or break a person financially. A person not spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically in control could find themselves dealing with a heap of problems. There are many websites dedicated specifically to the issue of getting financially organized. I say financially organized and not healthy because you have to deal with the other energies to become healthy. For now, I have included such some basic financial energy concepts to consider, but I will develop a basic financial literacy course at some point. I have also included in the Experimental Strategy just some things for you to consider with respect to finances. Soooooo…. Enough about all that, let’s talk energies.

I am thoroughly convinced that stress is self-created. Although understanding that stress is self-created does not remove stress, it does change the way that you view stress. These strategies were developed over time in accordance with the way that I accomplished goals while working in extremely stressful environments. I do not claim that you will become rich and famous overnight, but I do claim that the way you look at the spiritual universe will change. Being connected to the spiritual universe and understanding that your spiritual energy is your most dominant and powerful energy is the key issue. When it comes to seeking help and guidance in my life, I have done it all from churches and pastors to psychologists and military counselors. From all of those experiences, I have determined that these strategies were key in moving my life forward. In addition to all the research from reading self-help books such as the Bible, the Quran, social science and psycho-therapeutic books, I have summarized them into these strategies. You can read through the entire site, but I recommend that you do the experimental strategy first. It takes 4-5 weeks, but it tells you directly what you need to know. There is so much information out there via the internet, the bookstores, or the library; but so much information can sometimes be overwhelming. The goal of this website is to tell you what you need to know, how to do it, and why to do it. I address issues of stress and anger management, proactive and reactive personalities, weight management, and dealing with debt and financial mismanagement. As for prices for these services, everything here is via donation. Just use the PayPal donation buttons to make a donation. If not, that is perfectly fine as one of the missions of GHT is to assist the world with developing spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial energies.

Of course, I recognize that GHT still exists in the material universe and unfortunately, the material world still operates from a medium of exchange called money, so please support GHT via donations if your funds allow you to do so.